Monday 13 January 2014


I've been thinking a lot lately about the choices we make, and how each choice leads us to where we are now.  Maybe it's the whole New Year thing, the endless possibilities that lay before us, like fresh snow, no mistakes in it yet, still white and pristine.

I believe we, as mere mortals, get into trouble when we somehow forget we've made out own choices, written our own scripts.  We create our reality, today, tomorrow and beyond.  Does that mean that everything goes exactly as we want it to?  No, of course not.  It never can go precisely according to our plan.  (And where would the fun be in that, anyway?)

Maybe it's more accurate to say our lives are really a series of rewritten scripts, edited daily.

You make your draft and then something happens that causes you to react (rewrite the script), and so it goes.  It's an ongoing series of changing a word or a paragraph or a whole chapter and then forgetting we did it.

And that's when people will often say they "have no choice", that they "must" do such and such.  But really, how often is that the case?

You aren't really stuck.  You don't "have" to do something.  You choose to (or choose not to).  These decisions bear consequences, but still...the choice is yours.

Although there are circumstances beyond our control, we still have a choice how we deal.

How do you choose to live your best life in 2014?