Saturday 3 January 2015

No more time suckers for this writer...

Well, that sounds easy enough.  Just eliminate all those time-sucking, mind-numbing social media avenues that lead me nowhere.  You know the ones.  That video you just have to see, that quiz you must take.  Kick them all to the curb, right?

Yet even as I write this, I know I won't give up Facebook or Twitter and there will always be the occasional email that I must respond to now.

But here's the thing:  I'm not going to give these things up.  I'm just going to reschedule them.

Every weekday morning, here's what I'm going to do.  I'm going to write.  Sometimes I'll work on a new story.  Sometimes I'll pull out a story that I started and didn't finish.  And then there are all those stories that, for one reason or another, got rejected.  I'm going to use the feedback I've received (from my lovely writer friends at Writers' Village University, or from the editors who rejected the stories in the first place) and I'm going to trust my instincts to keep what works and change what doesn't.  I'm going to rewrite those stories I think are worth salvaging and I'm going to send them out.  (And then cross my fingers.)

The other thing I'm going to do is blog more often.  That won't be hard because, as you faithful readers already know, my blogging activity has been just about zip.

Facebook and Twitter and other social media are good tools for a writer; they have their place.  I learn about submission calls there.  I read about my writer buddies' success stories.  I catch up on other people's writing blogs.  There are plenty of gems for writer folks.  All good things.

But when and how much?  Not during the morning hours when I will be too busy writing.  Not anymore.  I'll postpone it to a time when everyone in my family is doing their own thing (like when they're all plugged into their own devices...and don't take this to mean we don't have good old quality family time together, because we do, very often.  But sometimes, they are doing their own thing.).  Or maybe I'll take a little time in the afternoon before everyone comes home from school.

But writing comes before social media.  "So let it be written.  So let it be done."

Speaking of writing, please check out my recent releases.  I'm pretty thrilled that I am a contributing author in both of these anthologies, "Beyond the Nightlight" (A Murder of Storytellers) and "Robbed of Sleep Volume 2" (Troy Blackford Publications).  I hope you like them.  If you do, please consider writing a review.

Happy writing in this, your best year yet, 2015!
