Tuesday 19 November 2013

Read any good books lately?

Writers are also readers.  It makes sense.  We love words, and everything about them.  So when we find a book that speaks to us, we devour it.  Our favourite writer(s) just can't write fast enough.

But what if you pick up a book that you don't love, or even like?  Do you plough through it anyway, or do you drop it and move on?

I used to be one of those patient souls who would wait out the boring parts of a book that was "hard to get into".  Sometimes I never got into it, not even when I got to the very end.  Even when I was "supposed" to like the story, hailed by all as an amazing read, there were times I forced myself to continue.

I'm happy to say, I've changed my ways.  Stephen King said something that I think was very wise (and here I'm paraphrasing), about there being so many good books out there...why waste your time on something that doesn't grab you?  I couldn't agree more.

Life is short.  Give yourself permission to ditch a book that doesn't make you love it.  You don't owe it a thing.


  1. I agree. Although I have persevered with a few badly written books when the plot idea was good and used it as an opportunity to study what turned me off about the writing. Sometimes it was style, sometimes an irritating habit the author probably wasn't aware of, such as repeatedly using a particular word or phrase. Perhaps you could write us an article on how to avoid writing a boring book ourselves. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment, Rose! I guess the answer to what makes for a boring book is highly subjective. I've heard people rave about books that I just didn't get. And other times, I'd love a book and the folks around me just didn't see what I see. Viva la difference? But you do make me ponder...maybe I should write an article,,,
