Thursday 7 November 2013

The waiting is the hardest part...said every writer at some point.

Recently I was asked what's my least favourite thing about being a writer. I said what most of us in the literary biz would say.  It's the waiting.

Waiting for a response is agonizing.  Any reply--even a rejection--is better than nothing.

In the meantime, I stay busy.  I keep writing.  I keep submitting more stories.  Eventually I query the editor (sometimes that's a good thing).  I remember one time we writers were told we'd receive notification by a certain date if our stories were chosen.

The day after the deadline rolled around and still no word.

I was devastated.  I was so sure that this story would make it in the anthology.  I moped around for a day or two, feeling really sorry for myself.

Then I decided to send an email expressing my disappointment, but also thanking the editor for the opportunity to submit my story to her.  I ended with the hope that I would have the chance to work with her sometime in the future.

And you know what?  She replied that she definitely wanted my story; she was just behind in notifying everyone.  I'm so glad I sent that email.

So I pose this question for my lovely writer friends:  How long do you wait for a response before you either query...or send the story elsewhere?

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